Textile Designer Jobs in Kuwait
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Fashion & Textile Designer
- Kuwait | Jun 10, 2018
- Kuwait City - A new company in Textiles & Fashion Designing Studio is established in Kuwait and is looking for an experienced and very creative Fashion & Textile
Creative Director
- Kuwait | Feb 7, 2015 FHH | FASHION HEADHUNTING
- FHH | FASHION HEADHUNTING - Kuwait City - • Experience managing a team of designers 3-5 years of manageriall experience Strong design background with a degree
Woman Fashion Designer
- Kuwait | Jan 8, 2015 FHH | FASHION HEADHUNTING
- FHH | FASHION HEADHUNTING - Kuwait City - 3-5 years of manageriall experience Strong design background with a degree-educated in Fashion Design or related discipline
Fashion Designer
- Kuwait | Mar 2, 2013
- Kuwait City - Design and manage development of collections and accessories and textile in line with the commercial strategy for the brands and to work as a member of the